dont championship??:(
dont championship??:(
My dad used to race stock cars and late models and my brother and I have raced midgets for 9 years, so I know a little something about racing--if that adds any credibility to how fun this game is. :)
Its a amazing game but I would like to see more new tracks and maybe some based on real life tracks and new cars and game modes cars such as bombers micro sprints ministocks 360 sprints midgets but its a great game overall
This game is awesome. I love it. The controls feel about as real as you can get on an iPad. I cant give it 5 stars because it is the most annoying thing when Im on the last lap battling for a position and side swipe the computer, I wreck and they dont. Cautions could be utilized. More car options such as decals, gearing, and springs would be cool, but not a must. You should be able to see your best finish per track instead of best level of difficulty. The game is an excellent start, it just needs some improvements.
Ive had this app since its came out and play it often but where are the updates? I think theres been one. A graphics and physics update would be nice. Maybe a modified or mini stock would also be cool. Setups could be as simple as a slider adjusting RF travel and gearing and maybe a wing(or spoiler) adjustment. Love this app but wheres the support ? I know it takes time and its hard to do but I would be willing to pay more than the original price just for an active developer! Thanks for this awesome app and I hope you can start tweaking it to improve it!
This is actually a really fun game but theres no updates. I play often, or when I have time. This game should add a setup page or menu after you select your car and its color. Some new tracks would be nice as well. The handling is kinda touchy and sometimes the steering doesnt work. The graphics are okay but could definitely us and up date to make it a bit better. This could be a top game for open wheel racers if it was updated more often!
Awesome game. Needs some updating though. Need to add some damage as well when you slam into the wall or other cars, would make it more realistic. Should add a career mode and creat youre own car customization. Should also add mini stock class. Need to also add the control of the steering wheel instead of just tilt and buttons
Pretty realistic for an app but its over priced for what it is. Needs cautions and more classes. You also spin out when you tap another car and it pushes real bad when the track is slick
I play this game often, as I enjoy playing it, I think it needs a few things. Cautions would be great. A few more tracks, with steeper banks.
It is a really fun and realistic game probably the most realistic dirt track game I have played. It is also challenging which makes it all the more fun. The reason I cant give it five stars is because there are not many customization options. They are not need led but it would be nice to be able to setup your car and customize the wrap of the car. Overall it is a really good game
Great physics love the onboard this game is a must have best game out by far
This has the potential to be an awesome game! The 2d version handles a lot better. Why cant we adjust the stagger like the other game?? A season mode would be cool, or points championship. Please do a update, right now its near impossible to turn the car. Way too tight. I bought this version without trying the demo first. Wish I would have now....
this would be awesome if the steering wasnt impossible
The game shouldnt be 4 dollars it should be free its a decent game but you just have to do the same things over and over and over again
This game is a great foundation and has huge potential! I think the cars handle exceptionally well and the physics are great. However, it is near impossible to race in the current configuration. I wish these guys had a message board so we could make recommendations for future updates. Im extremely impressed and if they continue updating and improving this will easily be the best dirt game available. Well done!
This game is awesome, but they should add new classes like the modifieds and 4-bees. Add like a season or a championship would be even cooler. Other wise awesome game to play
Despite its lack of advanced polish, this is by leaps and bounds the best dirt track racing game, besting even Dirt Trackin and nearly rivaling WoO Sprint Car Racing for the 360. Problems are slight mechanics issues for some of the AI, not being able to play around with a full car race (you always start from the back in a 12 car, 10-12 lap race), and the obvious sort of "blandness" of the game (though I love some of the color concepts). Definitely worth every penny, and the different game modes for both slick and tacky tracks with different cars makes for endless entertainment
The title says it all. Puts Dirt Trackin to absolute shame! Best racing game for mobile devices right here
I love this game its very realistic but I think it needs yellow flags when you spin out and single file restarts!!! Also needs career mode!! Other wise its a fantastic game...... Id like to see a cushion on the tracks too just sayin that would be more realistic
This game is one of the best and i think it has a lot of potential!!